Mommy Cafe

Vegetarian home cooking, kid tested and approved

Taking Stock

I recently discovered that my pantry cupboard, freezer, and fridge always had food in them, yet I was making weekly trips to the grocery story. In a fit of pre-spring cleaning, I made a goal to use only the food already in-house for two weeks (with the exception of staples like milk and fresh produce).

The first several days were easy. I had just been to the store and had meals planned for the next four nights. I started to dread the day when the the leftovers were gone and it meant hunting through the cupboards. Then I got smart. I took an inventory of every food item in the house and started matching items that would complement each other. In the end, I came up with more than a dozen options that would need no more than a side salad to make a complete meal.

My first two dinner “experiments” were a success. And I’m proud to say that for two weeks my grocery bill totalled just over $8!

My goal with this blog is primarily to share recipes. I know there are many moms who have a hard time getting their kids to eat and enjoy vegetables. With a young vegetarian son (his decision!), I’ve had to go through a lot of recipes to find a good variety of meals that he approves. He is proof that kids can like eating vegetables! All the recipes posted on this blog are Will-tested and approved!

It’s not just the kids that are picky eaters. So many of my vegetarian friends struggle to get their meat-eating significant others to eat their veggies. This seems an easy way to share my favorite recipes with them. After all, if a 6-year-old will eat it, what’s stopping the adults?

February 25, 2010 - Posted by | Food for thought | ,


  1. We’ve done this before. We might have to try it again soon though. It seems like our freezer is filling up!!

    Looking forward to reading more ideas!!

    Comment by Blakely | February 25, 2010 | Reply

  2. My, what a delightful wholesome blog. I like the emphasis on health and thrift with a friendly writing style.

    Comment by Andrew | February 27, 2010 | Reply

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